Posted by: lee | July 7, 2009

Am I obsessed in love???

Well, as what most everyone already know… I just found my love. Ni 1st time I try a relationship with someone much younger than me a.k.a hanak hekan. Actually takde la hanak hekan sgt sbb umur dia pons dah 24, dah start keje pon (denial ker…? He3). Walau pon still dlm kategori budak2 lagi, tp nampak cara & gaya cam agak matured. Anyway, hopefully we’ll be ok. Tp ntah la, bila dah start berchenta2 ni, I start rs cam tak best. Kadang2 rs cam the mind is too occupied dgn soalan2: ‘dia ingat kat aku tak?? Kenapa x msg ni… x suke kat aku dah ke??? Kenapa tak layan aku call ni, ada orang lain ke??? Asyik aku je yg msg, terhegeh2 sgt ke aku ni???’… Am I obsessed in love??? Apa2 pon, I kena kawal perasaan I, sbb semua org akan jd bodoh klu dah start berchenta. I harap i can just enjoy the moment, just accept what ever happen… and thinking rationally.


  1. yes…you are obsessed…..wake up…wake upp……
    papp papp (bunyi aku menampar pipi apadz..)
    wake up before it’s too late..pertanyaan inilah yang membuatkan i dapat gelaran i……

    noya is just for me…not for you apadz… wake up and please go and carik gelaran sendiri….

  2. if you are in love, cherish all the moments, god and BAD…hehehe

  3. i hate when im in love
    penat with the same question
    anyway mak ade soalan utk uolss jwb
    kalau bf uolss ade gf, uolss sentap x?
    perlu ke nk teruskan hubungan dgn dia?

  4. all the best apadz..
    tp jgn selalu paranoya.. (eh cam gelaran hafnie plak..)


  5. i pernah alami apa yg u alami amril…

    i x sentap
    cuma i rs kesian kat pompuan tu
    lelaki camtu mmg selfish…
    plu nak
    pompuan pun dia nak jugak
    so xde apa2 yg nak digantungharapkan dgn lelaki camtu
    jd sex scandal dah la….

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